MVA Alumni Association

Welcome to the MVA Alumni Association
Special fundraiser to benefit Mountain View Academy
Get a headstart on your holiday decorating with gorgeous poinsettias direct from Headstart Nursery’s greenhouses! These beautiful, vibrant poinsettias are the easiest way to get your home or business ready for the holiday season. They also make wonderful gifts.
Plants are available for a just $14.00 per plant or a special discounted rate of $67.00 per case of 6 plants. All proceeds benefit MVA’s class funds, music department and alumni. (First come, first served, as plants sell out quickly!)
Poinsettias are a deep red color. Plants are grown in 6½” pots with festive red pot covers and are sleeved for protection during shipment.
Please plan to pick up poinsettias on Tuesday, Dec 3rd or Dec. 4th from 3:00-5:00 PM
The foundation of our alumni is traced back to the first graduating class in 1923, which had a total of 7 graduates. Since then, over 1400 students have earned a diploma from MVA, with an impressive 98% of graduates being accepted at colleges and universities throughout the United States and abroad. When visiting our school campus, please visit our Chapel to view the class photos dating back to 1923.
On this page, information will be posted on homecoming events and more. Please, join us on the MVA Alumni Facebook page and connect with classmates or former staff members. Also, please help us keep your contact information updated by filling out the contact information form.
If you have any questions or information to pass along, please email our MVA Alumni President, Rose Ecklund-Shimizu at:, or please join us on our MVA Facebook Page.
A Word from our Alumni President
Fall Greetings MVA Alumni & Friends,
On June 2, 2024, Mountain View Academy added another 13 alumni! Each one of these alumni is college-bound! Class of 2024 received acceptances to several of our SDA Universities, Universities of California, California State Universities, and other colleges such as Virginia Tech, Dominican, and various Community Colleges. We wish them success!
A huge THANK YOU to our alumni & MVA friends who helped us reach our goal of $15,000 towards gym floor covering-MVA has just made this purchase, which will allow the school to host their fall fes2val in the gym on Saturday, November 16th-If you live local, please come out and support this annual event! (6-9 PM) This summer, several other MVA alumni and friends participated in donating towards registration fees and the worthy student fund-Over $10,000 in donations were received in just two short weeks of asking. MVA once again, is forever grateful for your support!
Did you know…
Alumnae, Esther Nozaki-Hashimoto, ’42 turned 100 on May 24, 2024!
MVA alumni have a one-year prayer challenge in place (6/2/24-6/2/25)
Join us in Prayer specifically for enrollment, students who walk our school halls and staff each day @ 3:35 P.M.
25 plus alumni participated in the 2024 alumni weekend.
25-30 alumni volunteer to make alumni weekend happen.
Mark your calendars for the 2025 Alumni Weekend on Friday, April 11th, and Saturday, April 12th. We will honor the classes of 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 & 2020. Honor class or not, you are all invited to attend! Friday evening vespers begin at 6:30 with a light dinner, followed by traditional vespers at 7:15 P.M. Alumni Sabbath will begin at 9:00 A.M. with registration and a continental breakfast, followed by “MVA Today” and the “Main Session” -a program you won’t want to miss! Lunch will be provided afterward! A short vespers & traditional alumni basketball game against the current MVA Mustang team will take place at @7:30 P.M. in the gym.
We invite you to make a heartfelt contribution towards projects that will significantly amplify students’ learning and the Academy’s landscape aesthetics.
Current projects:
Gym Redwood Siding: $25,000
Redwood Beams: $75,000
Alumni Weekend: $5,000
It truly takes an Alumni Village to make this happen and I am thrilled to have you as part of our community! For those who want to donate to MVA, streamlined donations can be made by clicking on "Click Here to Donate" below, or, simply mailing a check to Mountain View Academy, 360 S. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94041.
Looking forward to seeing all of you at our 2025 alumni weekend! Please stay tuned for our annual campaign letter coming out in December 2024-Mr. Andres will have some awesome news to share with you!
Warm regards,
Rose Ecklund-Shimizu ‘82
MVA Alumni President
Alumni Weekend
April 11, 2025 - 6:30 p.m. - Vespers & Light Dinner
Guest Speaker:
April 12, 2025 - 9:00 a.m. - Alumni Day
Guest Speaker:
9:00 a.m. - Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:45 a.m. - Main Service Begins
7:30 p.m. - Alumni vs Mustangs Basketball Game
Alumni Information
Rose Ecklund-Shimizu, ’82
“To you, our extended MVA family, and friends, it is my privilege to get to know you better this coming year. To keep in touch, I will be keeping you informed of all the upcoming alumni events at MVA so you can choose to volunteer or contribute in a meaningful way in 2021-2022 to your alma mater. Please mark your calendars for next year’s alumni celebration- April 9, 2022! Let’s make sure to have lots of fun on this journey.”
Seasonal Alumni Newsletter. Be sure we have your current address and email.
Follow our “Mountain View Academy Alumni” page on Facebook for a great source of timely announcements and great memories.
The MVA Alumni Association is in need of volunteers to help maintain the Alumni database, and social media page and assist in the creation of the Alumni Newsletter.
If you are able to volunteer your time, please contact the MVA Alumni President. Email:
Alumni Giving
Mountain View Academy wouldn’t exist without support from Alumni. Your financial donations to MVA help many students receive a quality Christian education that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience. Furthermore, these donations have helped in campus improvements.
Here are some ways MVA Alumni can give:
Through consistent, regular gifts to the Worthy Student Fund.
Through large gifts (including stocks) to our invested Endowment Fund.
By gifts of equipment.
By participating with meaningful gifts to our Capital Improvement Fund and specific projects, such as our Mustang Campaign (Goal of $85,000).
Our alumni website is a simple channel for giving monetary gifts. For large donations, we highly encourage donations by check to our MVA Office to easily receive tax-deductible donation receipts. Feel free to contact the MVA Office at 650-967-2324 or, for details.